Are you a woman Coach and want to know how to get more clients

using your content? Discover how at...

How To Get Coaching Clients

With Compelling Content

A FREE Live Online Workshop So You Can Learn The Secrets To Getting Ideal Clients Consistently... Using My Proven 'Compelling Content Formula'.

Brought To You By 'Amplify Your Impact' Founder, Kat Millar

Register Now For The Unmissable LIVE 1-Day Online Workshop

Saturday 14th September 2024

10:00am - 4:30pm AEST

Claim your FREE ticket now!

* You can select your preferred date once you register

Brought To You By 'Amplify Your Impact' Founder, Kat Millar


Listed As A Top 10 Female Business Coach

– Yahoo Finance


Successful Live Events


Coaching Sessions Delivered


Trusted Since 2016

At This Powerful Online Workshop You Will Discover:

How To Create Magnetic Content That Attracts The Right People

Discover how to use your content as an effective & reliable lead-generation strategy that grows your audience with qualified buyers. Learn how to craft your content in a way that makes you stand out online, cut through the noise, and get the attention of your ideal clients.

How To Build Trust So Your Audience Sees You As An Authority

Get my proven content methods that build trust, and position you as the go-to expert. When you know how to communicate your value, more people show up to your live videos & events, get excited to open your emails, and respond to your posts, even if you're just starting out.

How To Use Content To Turn Followers Into Hot Leads & Clients

How to use psychology-based elegant influence to dissolve objections, build desire for what you offer, and inspire the right people to want to work with you. All WITHOUT using pushy or complex tactics or sounding like a robot, but an actual human being with a soul.​

Is this you?

​You're sharing content consistently,

but you're not getting enough...

  • Response

Not enough people are engaging and responding to your content

  • Growth

Your number of followers and email subscribers isn't growing consistently

  • Leads

You don't have a reliable method to attract leads predictably, and you know you can’t keep relying on word-of-mouth

  • Clients

Not enough people are reaching out to work with you, and you want to get more ideal clients

The truth is... to attract new clients consistently,

just sharing content is not enough.

You need to craft your language so the right people are inspired to take action.

The only thing between you and clients are the WORDS you use to capture their attention and connect with them.

When you use content principles based on how the brain processes information, people start paying attention and responding to your calls to action.

That’s why it’s so important to learn how to use brain-based content principles.

When you create your content using these principles backed by psychology, your words become compelling and getting clients becomes predictable.

Your content attracts the right clients like a magnet.

You become the coach people want to go to.

(It’s much more fun than chasing!)

The good news is, anyone can learn how to use these simple, powerful brain-based content principles.

Learning how to do this allowed me to grow a 6-figure business in less than 12 months.

It's also helped hundreds of other coaches to completely transform their business.

And now I want to share it with you, so you too can easefully and consistently attract and enrol more ideal clients.

That's why I created this workshop.

To share how to use brain-based content to consistently attract ideal clients, make more money and help more people.

Here's What You'll Get:

  • The 'Compelling Content Formula'

Learn my signature 4-step formula, which shows you exactly what you need to craft your content so that it attracts and deeply resonates with the right people.

  • How To Turn Compelling Content Into Consistent Cashflow

How to use compelling content to leverage your time, and reach your financial goals and dream lifestyle.

  • Brain-Based Marketing Principles That Attract And Engage Your Audience

Discover how to use simple psychology and human behaviour secrets that experts use (not fads that come and go) to use your content to light up the 3 crucial parts of the brain required for all decision-making.

  • The Words & Phrases That Attract & Repel

Avoid people scrolling past your content, by learning the key words and phrases that put people off, and the ones that draw people in.

  • Finally Feel Confident & Excited To Create Content Consistently

It's time for you to enjoy content creation again, by making it easier on yourself AND effective and profitable.

  • My Signature Content Map

Learn how to create a highly-effective 4-week content plan in LESS than 1 hour, including how to use your content plan to enrol new clients into your coaching program.

  • How To Create Attention-Grabbing & Engaging Content

Learn how to craft your content in a way that builds desire and trust, rapidly dissolves objections, and establishes your authority, connection, and credibility.

  • The BIGGEST Mistakes Coaches Make When They're Sharing Content

Discover the most critical traps coaches fall into that means their content doesn't get seen or land with the right people, and how to avoid these mistakes.

  • LIVE Content Makeovers

Your opportunity to see the 'Compelling Content Formula' principles in action to bring what you're learning to life, so it's even easier to create content that gets you clients.

  • Fun Activities, Planning & Breakout Sessions

Engage in helpful conversations, have meaningful connections with other like-minded women, and also ask me your questions. You'll walk away with a clear action plan so you know exactly what to do next.

“I'd highly recommend attending this workshop if you're after simple, structured ways to create more engaging content and want to learn from the best!”

– Dina Cooper, Parenting Coach

"Kat helped me successfully launch 3 online programs that have bought in over $25,000. It keeps making money and helping people, which is the main thing for me"

- Gaynor Van Der Burton, Director: Fit-Fish

This system will show you how to create an asset that

RELIABLY gets you clients on repeat.

“I loved the simplicity of easily action steps to create my brand message and stand out from the crowd in authentic way! Exactly what I needed to get started with confidence. Thank you Kat Millar, you are a game changer. You have transformed the way I look at the next steps to content creation and success. Thank you!!!” -

- Donna Mulvany, Transformational Coach

Find out how Women Coaches just like you are using compelling content rapidly growing their business, using a proven, step-by-step formula

And the best part? This value-packed LIVE Event is on me :-)

I previously offered this valuable content only to my private clients, and now I've decided to offer it at this workshop for FREE, so you too can use these powerful tools in your business!

“The workshop is a must attend for anyone wanting to take their content game to the next level! Kat is experienced, authentic and every part of the workshop is a learning. Super simple, easy to follow frameworks for content creation. Thank you so much Kat for sharing your knowledge and experience.”

– Anisha Gopel

"Kat's processes, strategy and support has totally transformed my business and me as a business owner...take the guesswork out and know there's someone in your corner supporting you every step of the way"

- Jessica Lee, Owner: The Spark Effect

“Excellent value - so much information and experience shared so freely. I liked how practical it was and actually having the chance to DO THE DOING :)”

Claudine Termonen

When you know how to create compelling content...

* You can create scroll-stopping content that connects with the people who are ready to buy from you

* You position yourself as the expert, go-to person in your ideal client's mind

* You build deeper relationships with people who love what you're sharing

* People choose you over other options because they trust you

* You can sell out your offers & get booked out fast

* You start to attract and sign up ongoing, quality clients on 'repeat'.

"I would really recommend Kat's teachings if you're looking to increase your ability to communicate with your audience from a place of power and to have genuine influence."

– Jane Turner, Coach for Authors

The ability to create compelling content is not reserved for the 'special few' who are born with natural talent. It's a skill that anyone can learn and master.

"Before I learned Kat's formula, I would get around 50% conversion rate on selling my packages. Now I am averaging an 80% conversion rate and have gone from making $800 per week to $4,000 per week! It’s amazing, and it was much easier than I thought”

- Aimee Hartog Campos, Director: Latin Dance Australia

"I would definitely recommend attending. She's professional, very informative, friendly, and very helpful. The content was gold. So many things I can take action on immediately that will make a difference to my business."

– Shan Withnell, Mindset Coach

Why This Event Is Different To Other

Free Events You Have Attended...

  • ​​You get access to a wealth of experience: The workshop is being presented by 'Amplify Your Impact' Expert, Kat Millar, who has 20 years of experience in business and has helped completely transform the businesses and lives of 1000's of business owners since 2014.
  • It's PACKED with valuable, tangible tools: You’ll get tried-and-tested resources and frameworks you can apply straight away to make growing your business easy and fun. It is NOT a pitch-fest. We share step-by-step processes to attract more clients, reliably.
  • It's about action: This event is not about just sitting and listening. You’ll be guided through the clear steps you need to take and you'll be implementing what you're learning. We found many other companies give you the high level of what to do, but don't break it down into actual steps you can follow and progress to get results.
  • It's designed specifically for women: As women, most of us process and absorb information differently to most men. This event includes plenty of time to connect, express, ask questions, and discuss what you're learning, to bring it to life and so you better retain the content..
  • It's a personal & intimate environment: This event has limited spaces to create a personal and learning spaces. This more effectively maximises your learning experience and allows for a tailored approach, and more of your specific questions to be answered.

At the end of this day, you'll walk away with an actionable plan for how to get booked with quality coaching clients, fast, predictably and consistently.

Check out what others say...

Enjoy an engaging, interactive, enjoyable day with expert teaching and connection with

like-minded women

“It was very practical and engaging, I was captivated. Great tools that I can use right now for results. Inspirational and practical – this is hard to do but Kat nailed it!!!"

– Susie Smith, Social Ecologist, Artist and Educator

Kat has helped thousands of entrepreneurs, coaches & business owners and run 450+ events...

“Unlike other workshops!! I have completed a number of one day workshops and have often left at the end of the day feeling like most of the days content was around the paid workshops the presenters run. Kat's workshop was not like this. Kat gave clear strategies and guidelines which I can use and implement right now. Thank you for your genuine and helpful workshop Kat.”

– Claire McKellar Lunniss

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this different to other things out there?

There are 5 reasons why:

1. You get access to a wealth of experience: The workshop is being presented by 'Amplify Your Impact' Expert Kat Millar, who has 20 years of experience in business and has helped completely transform the businesses and lives of 1000's of business owners since 2014.

2. ​​​It's PACKED with valuable, tangible tools: You’ll get tried-and-tested resources and frameworks you can apply straight away to make growing your business easy and fun. It is NOT a pitch-fest. We share step-by-step processes to attract more clients, reliably.

3. ​​It's about action: This event is not about just sitting and listening. You’ll be guided through the clear steps you need to take and you'll be implementing what you're learning. We found many other companies give you the high level of what to do, but don't break it down into actual steps you can follow and progress to get results.

4. It's designed specifically for women: As women, most of us process and absorb information differently to most men. This event includes plenty of time to connect, express, ask questions, and discuss what you're learning, to bring it to life and so you better retain the content..

5. It's a personal & intimate environment: This event has limited spaces to create a personal and learning spaces. This more effectively maximises your learning experience and allows for a tailored approach, and more of your specific questions to be answered.

Why is it free?

Like Zoom and Spotify, we use a "Freemium" marketing method. We deliver great value for FREE and a small % of people decide to learn more about our premium, paid programs which makes it a win-win for everyone 😊

It's NOT free because it isn't packed with immediately useful content. I'll share everything I can with you in the timeframe to help you. If you want to accelerate the journey by working together, I'll share with you how to do that.

But don't worry, this event is NOT a pitch-fest or one where I hold back on value because it's free. I can't help everyone 1-on-1 so this is my way of helping more people because it's something I believe in and know it can make a difference in your business :-)

What if I'm not good at marketing or technology?

You'll discover simple strategies that anyone can use to get results, even if you find marketing confusing or hard.

You'll get an easy-to-follow formula that shows you how to get results regardless of your experience.

Do I need to have an offer or my niche sorted?

This event will give you greater clarity and the tools you can use to grow your business, no matter what stage you're at. You don't have to have everything in place for it to be hugely valuable.

What is the agenda for the day?

An agenda will be given to you after you register. We'll have a number of breaks in-between each session so you can stretch and grab snacks as you need to.

We cover topics such as:

✨ The 'Compelling Content Formula'

✨ My Signature Content Map

✨ How To Create Attention-Grabbing & Engaging Content

✨ Brain-Based Neuromarketing Principles That Attract And Engage Your Audience

✨ How To Turn Compelling Content Into Regular Cashflow

✨ How To Finally Feel Confident & Excited To Create Content

✨ The BIGGEST Mistakes Coaches Make When They're Sharing Content

✨ LIVE Content Makeovers

✨ Fun Activities, Planning & Breakout Sessions

You will also have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs with our interactive breakout sessions and activities, so you can enjoy connection, community and implementation time.

Can I attend part of the day?

This event is a full day because we cover a lot of valuable content and I want to provide you with as much tangible value as possible. You can attend part of the workshop if you like. But more than likely, you will feel inspired to stay for the whole day!

Is this one of those huge events?

This is a smaller, more personal event so that I'm able to tailor the content to suit the group. Even though it's an online event, the numbers are strictly limited to create a more intimate and personalised environment, and allow me to personally answer your questions and help you succeed.

Do I need to have my camera on during the event?

Not at all. While it would be great for fellow participants and myself to see who they are talking to, we know you may dial in from work or be out and about, or not in a position to have your camera on, which is not a problem at all.

If you haven't attended one of our events before, you'll know that we're not the type of people who force people to do things. We know you're smart enough to do what you feel is right for you.

Will this event be worth my time?

Yes! You'll get the must-have tools that entrepreneurs just like you are using right now to sell more of their services online and create significant breakthroughs in their business (even after they've 'tried everything').

The proven strategies get incredible results. They are presented in a way that are simple to understand, apply and take immediate action on, no matter where you're at in your journey.

"I have an abundance of clients by following Kat's formula. It's absolutely mind-blowing. It was such an easy ready-for-you system that is so easy to follow and packed in value!"

- Ela Staniak, Feminine Leadership Coach

Meet Kat Millar

Kat Millar is a Business Mentor, Coach and Trainer, and the Founder of 'Amplify Your Impact', mentoring female coaches and entrepreneurs to attract more ideal clients consistently with tailored online marketing strategies.

Having run multiple businesses over 2 decades, in 3 countries, delivered 6,500+ coaching sessions, and 450+ events, Kat has a wealth of experience helping people get results.

She was chosen by Yahoo Finance! as one of the 10 Best Female Business Coaches in 2021.

Kat has spoken at the International Convention Centre, Latin Dance Australia, E&Y & Shine Women, and her work has been featured in a number of magazines, such as Workable Wellness and The Corporate Escapists magazines.

Her mission is to help thousands of women each year to help more people, by crafting and sharing their unique message.

She is dedicated to helping women driven to create positive change to grow a thriving business they love, and use their gifts to create greater fulfilment, freedom and deeply impact more lives.





Your ZOOM link will be emailed to you


Saturday 14th September, 2024

10:00am - 4:30pm AEST


  • Full Day of Valuable Content
  • Comprehensive Digital Playbook
  • Action-taking & Breakout Sessions
  • Masterminding & Networking
  • Q&A Sessions
  • Step-by-step Action Plan

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